Friday, November 26, 2010

MEIR week one.

OMG I can not believe that it has only been one week. My brain has turned to mush. I have no idea how on earth I am going to get my head around all this stuff. Each day consists of one class each of Navaids, IFR law, and IFR flight planning. The first two are seemingly ok, but flight planning is somewhat daunting. The final exam for this I think is two hours, and the task of being able to produce an IFR flight plan and then answer the questions in that time is just beyond me.
I am really enjoying it, but it is hard being back in the classroom fulltime.
On the plus side though is living here at the college. All those in my class and those living here are all really cool. Out in the real world it probably gets a bit tedious to hear aviation chatter, but here it's eat sleep breath the stuff, and no body looks at you funny. Everyone here is at different stages in their flying, from those who haven't yet been for a single flight, to those who are about to sit their instructors' rating (and that is a whole other kettle of turnips). So tomorrow it's the weekend, but I think I'll be giving it a miss. Apart from allowing myself the luxury of heading out for a run, I'll be hitting the books. And charts. And flight plans. Oh man. I don't remember school being this hard. Actually that's a lie. It just hurts right now. The only things which will get me through are cans of V and chocolate. Lots of chocolate.

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